Mayday Repression: Statement from Bandung Anti-Fascist Front

veröffentlicht am 2. Juni 2019

Political Statement of Front Anti Fasis Bandung (Bandung Anti Fascist Front) on State Brutality during May Day 2019 in Bandung

We, Front Anti Fasis Bandung (Bandung Anti Fascist Front), hereby condemn and curse every brutal act that the State carried out via its repressive state apparatus against the masses at the 2019 May Day demonstration in Bandung. We also condemn every form of violation to human rights that the State carried out against the arrested comrades in Bandung Police Station and in the Mobile Brigade base in Jatinangor. Furthermore, we also condemn these wretches for their savage actions against May Day demonstrations in many other areas. As for other condemnations, we say to ever State element that took part in the repression of May Day 2019 in Bandung the following:

We challenge the idea that the destruction cost the nation and that we should pay. What is the State there for and how big is the cost when they greedily take money from taxes that goes into their pockets? It we see it from a context of freedom of democracy that has oppressed from the beginning, the vandalism and wheatpaste bombing is a form of resistance against what the State stole from the people.

We are against the presumption that vandalism is an amoral act carried out by the uneducated and depraved! Who is more depraved? We just painted the city walls, compared to those who destroy our living spaces everyday. Evictions, environmental exploitation, underpaying of workers, structured poverty etc.

We condemn the police (and military) brutality during the rally. Even before they had even reached the main meeting point for the May Day commemoration (Gedung State), the masses were forced back and were prevented from expressing their political ideas alongside the other workers.

The random raids and arrests were extra-judicial and did not follow standard procedure. There were violations of privacy against those who were accused of property destruction without any evidence. The interrogations by Bandung PD and Jatinangor’s Mobile Brigade were abusive acts that violated humanity and rationality.

We are clearly declaring an open war against unions that are affiliated with the government (and the elite). Especially against those who arrogantly shake the hand of the president and are clearly never on the side of the workers.

Therefore, after almost 700 arrests during May Day by the State apparatus, we will ensure that our anger will continue crystallizing and growing, until one day we become a huge force of wrath. We urge all comrades (wherever you are) to keep maintaining the fire of resistance. The future will not be the same. The apparatus of the State and other authoritarian elements will continue to gather their power and become more repressive. Keep organizing and spreading the spirit of solidarity. Join the long history of resistance!


zum Thema Anti-Repression:

zum Thema Anti-Kapitalismus: