

Neue Kriegsoffensive des türkisch-faschistischen Staates in Südkurdistan

22. April 2024

Wien - Bannerdrop - "Es leben die Guerilla! Tod der türkischen Besatzung!" Invasionsbeginn in Metîna: Die türkische Armee hat einen Besatzungsangriff auf die Region Metîna in Südkurdistan gestartet. Das Pressezentrum der Volksverteidigungskräfte (HPG) hat sich zu der Invasion der türkischen Armee in Metîna geäußert. Den Angaben zufolge wird das Gebiet in der Kurdistan-Region im Irak ununterbrochen bombardiert:


When ideology gets in the way of solidarity [en]

22. April 2024

...We will not knock on the closed rooms of social centers in the west and try to tell the story of our struggle or repression against our comrades. We have plenty of room to direct our energies as it is. But do the people who censor solidarity groups realize that they would then have to take it upon themselves to support the repressed comrades with their own forces, if they are really committed to the ideas of internationalism and anarchism? It is then also the responsibility of such groups...

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