English Articles

Analysen & Historisches

Sacrificing Life – What Did Mikhail Zhlobitsky Achieve

Russland 13. Juli 2019

We live in a world where an endless stream of information and constant updates in news feeds force out even the most important events of the recent past. However among the events there are those which can not be allowed to fade. One of them occurred on October 31, 2018. Anarchist Mikhail Zhlobitsky committed an act of retaliation by activating an explosive device in the building of the FSB Directorate in Arkhangelsk. It was the act of self-sacrifice – Mikhail Zhlobitsky died.


Kletteraktion in Basel: Die Profiteure der Klimakatastrophe zur Rechenschaft ziehen! Climbing Action in Basel: Hold those who profit of the climate catastrophe accountable!

Schweiz 8. Juli 2019

Heute beginnen die Aktionstage des Klimacamp in Basel. Als Auftakt erkletterte eine Kleingruppe in den frühen Morgenstunden des 08. Juni 2019 einen Baukran über der Basler Credit Suisse Bank und befestigten ein 15m langes Transparent mit der Aufschrift “Alle Tage Sabotage. Bis alli Banke wanke”. +++ Today, on the 8th of July the action days of the Basel climate camp are starting. An affinity group started into the day early by climbing a construction site crane and attaching a 15m long...


Sea-Watch 3 Enters Italian Waters in State of Necessity

Italien 27. Juni 2019

European institutions have once again proven their incapability of handling the responsibility to safeguard the rights of people rescued at their deadly sea border. Neither any of the European States nor the EU commission were willing to enforce what is the basis of their constitutions – human dignity. With yesterday’s political ruling furthermore the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) failed to provide any expedient for the 42 survivors stuck aboard the rescue ship Sea-Watch 3. Their...


The Push-back Map A Tool to Collectively Fight the Repressive Border & Control Regime

Europäische Union 22. Juni 2019

Currently we are witnessing an increase in institutional violence across Europe. At the EU’s borders expulsions, direct deportations, readmissions and other forms of forced returns across borders are happening on a daily basis. These violent practices are called push-backs. They are a systematic institutionalised technique used to suppress movement across borders. With our newly developed online tool The Push-back Map, www.pushbackmap.org, we aim to map, document, visualise and denounce these...

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