Welcome to EMRAWI.ORG

veröffentlicht am 3. Juni 2019

"EMRAWI - Infos: emanzipatorisch, radikal und widerständig" (Information: emanzipatory, radical, resistant) is an information platform for publications from a broad spectrum of emanzipatory, radical and resistant movements, for groups and individuals outside of party-politics in Austria and beyond.

Critical and anti-authoritarian content is not only necessary because of the current intensification of capitalist, nationalist, patriarchal and authoritarian tendencies. The EMRAWI page provides a platform for a diversity of perspectives that differ from, complement or even contradict in the choice of their strategies and the means used for them. Various approaches, such as anti-racist, queer _ feminist, Anarchist and communist, should find a place for their publications here. Contributions related to animal liberation, squatting, international solidarity and repression are just as much desired as contributions aimed at fighting capitalist, anti-semitic or neo-colonial conditions, overcoming the prison society, patriarchy, border regimes and other forms of domination and to abolish differing barriers in self-organized and emancipatory contexts. In particular, there should also be space for contributions on topics that are all too often ignored and those on everything that the future will bring and that we do not yet know about today. The creation of a broad information platform is intended to show what is happening in Austria and beyond and to initiate and multiply inspiration, debate or criticism.

After the end of at.indymedia.org in 2012, such an information platform was missing, as a result linksunten.indymedia.org was increasingly used. The criminalisation of the latter in 2017 left its traces (not just online): As to prevent bigger damage, the website had to be shut down. For the entire German-speaking areas, this is a great loss, especially for people who don´t or hardly have any local structures available to publish their own texts and reports. Other anti-authoritarian, self-organized websites have also recently been increasingly hit by state repression or decided to end their projects for other reasons. These developments have created gaps that need to be filled – with decentralised counter-structures to the state and commercial media! More and more groups and individuals are using commercial online platforms to organize and publish texts. These pages not just collect data about their users and pass it on to other companies, they also cooperate directly with repression authorities or make their work much easier. EMRAWI.ORG is intended to counteract the development that emancipatory movements rely primarily on these commercial online services. Emancipatory and resistant debates and reporting belong in self-oranzied platforms!

How does EMRAWI work? The site wants to make it possible for as many people as possible to publish texts easy accessiblly and anonymously. If you want to publish a contribution, you need an account that you can create quickly. Then you can start writing an article, add a title, a short description and a picture and suggest it for publication. If an article has been proposed for publication, it will be viewed by moderators within a short time and published on the site. EMRAWI is a platform on which everyone can publish as long as the content of the publication does not contradict the standards of the site and this alone makes this website alive: The articles posted here are not an expression of the opinion of an editorial collective, but contributions from the people who have found a platform for their publications here and by doing so, shaping this website – so hopefully you as well!

We encourage individuals, groups and initiatives to send us their feedback, and hope for many interesting and diverse contributions: emrawi(at)immerda.ch (PGP here).

Stay emanzipatory radical and resistant!
June 2019


zum Thema EmRaWi: