Su. 1-3-positive-experiences-with-doing-politics-by-queertopia/
„And then they ran away from us…“ – Workshop about positive experiences
and reassurance with doing politics
„Hey, how was the demonstration?“ So the conversations often start. What
went wrong? Who hasn‘t come? Who bloked? And in the end there stays the
question if all the running, freezing, the bruises, the printing of
flyers, the preparation of speeches changed anything. If it’s the talk
with your person in love or the last blockade – everything is political.
In this workshop we deal with the negative and positive aspects of doing
politics. Therefor we approach the topic with different (bodily) methods
and listen to each other, reassure, empower, support and motivate. The
workshop will be in german language (with the option to do wispered
translation in english) and is open to all genders. The room is free of
smoke and sadly not barrier-free. Presented by
queer_topia(, fb: queer_topia), hosted by A-Cafe.
Duration: 3 hours
When? Open and cooking together: 5pm, vegan food
Beginning of the Workshop: this time already 6pm !!
Wipplingerstraße 23, 1010 Vienna (sadly not barrier-free) (See for more workshops in Vienna!)