(A-Radio) Belarus: The August Rebellion

veröffentlicht am 3. September 2020

As the Anarchist Radio Berlin, we gladly present this interview with an anarchist in Belarus on the current situaton in the country. Since weeks people are in the streets in the aftermath of the last election. In the interview we learn about underlying reasons and the built-up to the current protest movement, as well as the role of alternative media and the current state repression.

Length: 56 min

You can find other English audios as well as all issues of the monthly anarchist show "Bad News" here.

Among our last audios you can find:
* An interview about tactics and challenges in the ongoing social uprising in Slovenia
* A jingle mobilizing to the resistance against the eviction of Syndikat in Berlin-Neukölln
* An interview on the new anarchist-run videohosting platform Kolektiva
* Anarchist Radio Berlin presents you An interview from The Final Straw Radio with a translator of the Anarchist Union of Afghanistan and Iran about the political context and ongoing struggles
* An audio from the Channel Zero Network with advice on how to improve your safety at street actions
* An interview with the trap artist Dirti Lepra from Chile about music, anarchism and the social uprising
* An interview from The Final Straw Radio with an anarchafeminist about the political and social situation in El Salvador
* An interview with an organizer of the first feminist Congress in Wroclaw, Poland

Enjoy! And please feel free to share!

A-Radio Berlin

ps.: We are on Mastodon and Twitter! Please feel welcome to follow us at @aradio_berlin!
ps2.: Please note: We are always looking for people willing to lend us a hand with transcriptions and translations from Spanish or German into English as well as people able to do voice recordings - in order to amplify our international radio work. You can contact us at aradio-berlin/at/riseup(dot)net!


zum Thema Anarchismus:

zum Thema Anti-Repression:

zum Thema Revolution: