English Articles


Balkan Anarchist Bookfair, Ljubljana 2023: a review [en]

Wien 6. August 2023

On the weekend from 7th to 9th of July the bookfair took place in the Slovenian capital of Ljubljana. In the context of the Balkans, it is inevitable to speak about war and its devastating consequences. It would have been chance to listen to experiences from groups and individuals from this geographical and cultural space, extrapolate an analysis to contemporary events and push an open debate. This chance has been not only missed, but was actively sabotaged by the organising committee.

Analysen & Historisches

ANTISISTEMA – Zeit(ung) für Anarchie und leidenschaftliche Zerstörung [de/en]

28. Juni 2023

Dies ist die erste Ausgabe der von nun an unregelmäßig erscheinenden bilingualen anarchistischen Zeitung Antisistema. Die Zeitung bietet Raum für anarchistische Analysen, Diskussionen und Dokumentationen von Angriffen auf Herrschaftsstrukturen. Wir werden die PDFs der Zeitung von nun an in deutsch und englisch online stellen und regen dazu an diese dezentral zu drucken, verbreiten und zu diskutieren.


DAY0: anarcha-queerfeminist networking and organising

Slowenien 16. Mai 2023

this years’ balkan anarchist bookfair will start on the 6th of July, one day prior to the officially announced date, with an event we call DAY0 – anarcha-queerfeminist networking and organising. the inspiration of this event comes from last year’s BAB held in cluj, where people identified the need to deepen the discussion about antisexism in our anarchist organizing. the initial idea in cluj was to point out the fact that “usual feminist topics” should concern the whole movement and we should...

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