B(A)D News #28
Das antiautoritäre und anarchistische Radio Netzwerk freut sich die 28. Episode von B(A)D News vorstellen zu dürfen. Wie fast jedes Monat gibt es Analysen, Berichte und Aufrufe von verschiedenen Radio Projekten weltweit.
In dieser Episode gibt es Folgendes zu hören:
Frequenz A: Repression in Russia, Network-case, situation of ilia
romanov, short summary about the uprising in Chile and parts of a talk
with a comrade of the anarcho communist group solidaridad based in Santiago
ROSE & 1431AM: Evicitons and Repression in Athens and Thessaloniki
Dissident Island: Extinction Rebellion, Workers Struggle in
Universities, Demonstration against turkish Invasion in Rojava, Protests
and direct action against deportation
A-Radio Berlin: Audio Collage on a feminist March in Valparaiso in Chile
A Text written by Radio Kurruf and Radio Agüita about the current
situation in Chile
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